张文博 副教授



张文博,男,19819月,山东鱼台,博士,副教授。水产养殖系。国家级精品课程《鱼类增养殖学》、上海市精品课程《养殖水环境化学》等水产养殖专业核心课程主讲教师。研究领域为水产养殖可持续发展。现为联合国粮农组织FAO渔业委员会(COFI)会议中国代表团团员,代表中国担任联合国粮农组织FAO《可持续水产养殖准则》审议工作组会议副主席。担任FAO/NACA咨询专家并领衔《亚太地区水产养殖蓝色转型白皮书》撰写,该白皮书是未来十年亚太地区水产养殖发展的纲领性文件。担任国际水产品认证组织BAP气候变化行动委员会委员。长期担任AquacultureReviews in AquacultureResources, Conservation & RecyclingConservation LettersJournal of Cleaner ProductionAMBIOPlos One等学术杂志审稿人,并担任Frontiers in AquacultureFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems杂志编辑等学术职务。近年来以第一作者和通讯作者在Nature(顶刊)、Fish and Fisheries(水产领域顶刊)、Reviews in Aquaculture(水产领域顶刊)等期刊发表多篇高水平学术论文。以共同作者在Nature(封面论文)、SciencePNASNature CommunicationsNature Food等期刊发表高水平学术论文。其中以通讯作者发表ESI高被引论文1,以共同作者发表ESI热点论文3ESI高被引论文3,这些研究引领了全球和中国水产养殖产业发展和学术研究方向。H指数为17,他引次数超过1800次。
























[10]欧盟地平线项目,SAFE - SmartAqua4FuturE :面向未来的智能水产养殖,2023.1-2025.12

[11] 英国斯特灵大学-Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch项目中国淡水养殖调研2023.3-2023.12



[1]Zhang, W., Belton, B., Edwards, P. et al. Aquaculture will continue to depend more on land than sea. Nature 603, E2–E4 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04331-3 (顶刊,第一作者,IF =49.962)

[2]Zhang, Wenbo, Min Liu, Yvonne Sadovy de Mitcheson, Ling Cao, Duncan Leadbitter, Richard Newton, David C. Little, Songlin Li, Yi Yang, Xiao Chen, and Wei Zhou. 2019. “Fishing for Feed in China: Facts, Impacts and Implications.” Fish and Fisheries (December 2018):1–16. (水产领域顶刊,第一作者,IF =7.139)

[3]Zhang, Wenbo, Murray, Francis J, Liu, Liping, Little, David CA comparative analysis of four internationally traded farmed seafood commodities in China: domestic and international markets as key driversReviews in Aquaculture2017, 9(2):157–78. (水产领域顶刊,第一作者,IF =10.592)

[4]Edwards Peter, Zhang, Wenbo, Belton Ben, Little, David C. Misunderstandings , myths and mantras in aquaculture: Its contribution to world food supplies has been systematically over reported[J]. Marine Policy, Elsevier Ltd, 2019, 106(103547): 1–9. (通讯作者,IF =4.17320217月、9月、11月和20221月、3月、57多次入选了ESI高被引论文)

[5]Jessica Gephart , Patrik Henriksson , Robert Parker , Alon Shepon , Kelvin Gorospe , Kristina Bergman , Gidon Eshel , Christopher Golden , Benjamin Halpern , Sara Hornborg , Malin Jonell , Marc Metian , Kathleen Mifflin , Richard Newton , Peter Tyedmers , Wenbo Zhang , Friederike Ziegler , Max Troell. Environmental performance of blue foods. Nature. 2021. (共同作者,IF =49.962)

[6]Cao, Ling, Rosamond Naylor*, Patrik Henriksson, Duncan Leadbitter, Marc Metian, Max Troell, and Wenbo Zhang. 2015. China’s Aquaculture and the World’s Wild Fisheries. Science 347(6218):133–35. (共同作者,IF=34.661)

[7]Cao, Ling, Yong Chen, Shuanglin Dong, Arthur Hanson, Bo Huang, Duncan Leadbitter, David C. Little, Ellen K. Pikitch, Yongsong Qiu, Yvonne Sadovy de Mitcheson, Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Meryl Williams, Guifang Xue, Yimin Ye, Wenbo Zhang, Yingqi Zhou, Ping Zhuang, and Rosamond L. Naylor*. 2017. “Opportunity for Marine Fisheries Reform in China.” PNAS 114(3):435–42. (共同作者,IF=9.504)

[8]Belton, Ben, David C. Little, Wenbo Zhang, Peter Edwards, Michael Skladany, and Shakuntala H. Thilsted. 2020. “Farming Fish in the Sea Will Not Nourish the World.” Nature Communications 11(1):1–28. (共同作者,IF= 14.919)

[9]Crona, Beatrice, Emmy Wassénius, Max Troell, Kate Barclay, Tabitha Mallory, Michael Fabinyi, Wenbo Zhang, Vicky W. Y. Lam, Ling Cao, Patrik J. G. Henriksson, and Hampus Eriksson. 2020. “China at a Crossroads: An Analysis of China’s Changing Seafood Production and Consumption.” One Earth 3(1):32–44. (共同作者,IF= 14.944)

[10]Love, David C., Edward H. Allison, Frank Asche, Ben Belton, Richard S. Cottrell, Halley E. Froehlich, Jessica A. Gephart, Christina C. Hicks, David C. Little, Elizabeth M. Nussbaumer, Patricia Pinto da Silva, Florence Poulain, Angel Rubio, Joshua S. Stoll, Michael F. Tlusty, Andrew L. Thorne-Lyman, Max Troell, and Wenbo Zhang. 2021. “Emerging COVID-19 Impacts, Responses, and Lessons for Building Resilience in the Seafood System.” Global Food Security 28(February):100494. (共同作者,IF= 7.77220221月、3ESI高被引论文)

[11]Newton, Richard, Wenbo Zhang, Zhaoxing Xian, Bruce McAdam, and David C. Little. 2021. “Intensification, Regulation and Diversification: The Changing Face of Inland Aquaculture in China.” Ambio. (共同作者,IF= 5.129)

[12]Short, Rebecca E., Stefan Gelcich, David C. Little, Fiorenza Micheli, Edward H. Allison, Xavier Basurto, Ben Belton, Cecile Brugere, Simon R. Bush, Ling Cao, Beatrice Crona, Philippa J. Cohen, Omar Defeo, Peter Edwards, Caroline E. Ferguson, Nicole Franz, Christopher D. Golden, Benjamin S. Halpern, Lucie Hazen, Christina Hicks, Derek Johnson, Alexander M. Kaminski, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Rosamond L. Naylor, Melba Reantaso, U. Rashid Sumaila, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, Michelle Tigchelaar, Colette C. C. Wabnitz, and Wenbo Zhang. 2021. “Harnessing the Diversity of Small-Scale Actors Is Key to the Future of Aquatic Food Systems.” Nature Food. (共同作者,IF= 20.430)

[13]Newton, Richard, Wenbo Zhang, Michael Leaver, Francis Murray, and David C. Little. 2019. “Assessment and Communication of the Toxicological Risk of Consuming Shrimp in the EU.” Aquaculture (September 2018):148–59. (共同作者,IF=3.022)

[14]Henriksson, Patrik John Gustav, Wenbo Zhang, and Jeroen B. Guinée. 2015. “Updated Unit Process Data for Coal Based Energy in China Including Parameters for Overall Dispersions.” The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20(2):185–95. (共同作者,IF=4.868)

[15]Henriksson, Patrik J G, Andreu Rico, Wenbo Zhang, Sk Ahmad-Al-Nahid, Richard Newton, Lam T. Phan, Zongfeng Zhang, Jintana Jaithiang, Hai M. Dao, Tran M. Phu, David C. Little, Francis J. Murray, Kriengkrai Satapornvanit, Liping Liu, Qigen Liu, M. Mahfujul Haque, Froukje Kruijssen, Geert R. De Snoo, Reinout Heijungs, Peter M. Van Bodegom, and Jeroen B. Guinée. 2015. “Comparison of Asian Aquaculture Products by Use of Statistically Supported Life Cycle Assessment.” Environmental Science and Technology 49(24):14176–83. (共同作者,IF=7.149)

[16]Henriksson, Patrik J. G., Andreu Rico, Max Troell, Dane H. Klinger, Alejandro H. Buschmann, Sonja Saksida, Mohan V. Chadag, and Wenbo Zhang. 2018. “Unpacking Factors Influencing Antimicrobial Use in Global Aquaculture and Their Implication for Management: A Review from a Systems Perspective.” Sustainability Science 13(4):1105–20. (共同作者,IF=4.669)

[17]Little, David C., James A. Young, Wenbo Zhang, Richard W. Newton, Abdullah Al Mamun, and Francis J. Murray. 2018. “Sustainable Intensification of Aquaculture Value Chains between Asia and Europe: A Framework for Understanding Impacts and Challenges.” Aquaculture 493(December 2017):338–54. (共同作者,IF=3.022)

[18]Jia, Peiqiao, Wenbo Zhang, and Qigen Liu. 2013. “Lake Fisheries in China: Challenges and Opportunities.” Fisheries Research 140:66–72. (共同作者,IF=2.343)

[19]张文博, 马旭洲. 2000年来中国水产养殖发展趋势和方向[J]. 新葡萄8883官网AMG学报, 2019. (CSCD核心,第一作者)

[20]刘其根, 李峰, 张文博. 引入养殖鳖对稻田土壤固氮菌的影响[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2018. (CSCD核心,通讯作者)

[21]陈丹青,马旭洲,张文博,戴丹超,张勇.泰兴高沙土地区幼蟹塘浮游动物群落结构及水质评价[J].江西农业大学学报,2021,43(03):649-659. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[22]戴丹超,马旭洲,张文博,张勇,周桢.河蟹生态养殖池塘后生浮游动物群落结构及水质生态学评价[J].生态与农村环境学报,2021,37(02):208-216. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[23]王璞,马旭洲,张文博,王高龙,杨永超,陈军伟,温旭,张勇,周桢.中华绒螯蟹天然海水土池生态育苗水环境因子变化特征初步研究[J].环境化学,2020,39(12):3425-3435. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[24]张懿,马旭洲,张文博,戴丹超,陈丹青.泰兴高沙土地区成蟹生态养殖池塘及其水源的水质研究[J].湿地科学,2020,18(06):660-666. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[25]陈丹青,马旭洲,张文博,戴丹超,张勇,李建.泰兴高沙土地区幼蟹养殖对水环境的影响[J].江西农业大学学报,2020,42(05):970-978. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[26]姚宏心,马旭洲,张文博,贾延.中华绒螯蟹幼蟹养殖池塘溶氧收支平衡状况[J].新葡萄8883官网AMG学报,2021,30(04):634-643. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)

[27]贾延,马旭洲,张文博,戴丹超,刘宇.中华绒螯蟹幼蟹蜕壳期间池塘水环境的变化特征[J].环境化学,2020,39(06):1544-1554. (CSCD核心,共同通讯作者)











[9]2022.122022年度中国水产学会十佳论文(2000年来中国水产养殖发展趋势和方向), 中国水产学会




